Peter Drucker was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation. According to Mr. Drucker, in his 1999 Harvard Business Review article, “Managing OneSelf,” he states, great achievers have always managed themselves and that’s what makes them great achievers. He also said • You can only perform from your strengths • Most people are usually wrong about knowing their strengths • You cannot build performance on weaknesses • The only access to knowing your strengths is from feedback analysis • Accurate feedback comes from setting a plan and goals and reviewing them later Note: Mr. Drucker practiced this method for over 20 years and said that his personal results surprised him. He found that his strengths were different than he originally thought. Here is his advice for you to have the best performance possible.
- Concentrate on your strengths. Put yourself where your strengths can produce results.
- Work on improving your strengths. Analysis will show where you need to improve skill or acquire new ones. It will also show the gaps in your knowledge and those can usually be filled. Mathematicians are born but everyone can learn trigonometry.
- Discover where your intellectual arrogance is causing disabling ignorance and overcome it. Some people believe that being bright is a substitute for knowledge. Taking pride in such ignorance is self-defeating. Go to work on acquiring the knowledge and skills you need to fully realize your strengths.
- It is equally essential to remedy your bad habits; the things you do or fail to do that inhibit your effectiveness and performance. Such habits will quickly show up in the feedback.